I went to Nivelo. At Shinjuku Ni-Chome 【Tokyo, Japan】


Hello, my name is Yuji.


A town where people of sexual minorities gather: Shinjuku Ni-Chome

Known as the world's largest gay town, the area has become more diverse in recent years, such as restaurants and bars, making it a city that enjoys not only gay people but also other sexual minorities and heterosexuality people.


At such Shinjuku Ni-Chome, there are several terms that people who gather there use in conversation. Here are the most famous terms.
That is "Nivelo".

This terms is especially popular in gay and bisexual communities.


"Nivelo" is an abbreviation (common name) for Cafe Veloce Shinjuku Ni-Chome (now Shinjuku Ichome Kita).

Cafe Veloce is a Japanese cafe chain. In Veloce, you can drink coffee from 200 yen. Cakes and sandwiches are also reasonable prices.


The location of Nivelo is here.

It is located at the northeast end of Shinjuku Ni-Chome.


Nivelo looks like this. There is also a terrace seat.


This is a wonderful place to relax.


You may have a nice encounter if you go here. :^)

Many gay people comes here. Of course heterosexuals also comes here.


Business hours: From 7 am to 11 pm

You can use free Wi-Fi.



If you have a chance to go to Shinjuku Ni-Chome, please stop by all means.

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